End Of Summer Home Checklist
1.) Repair The Driveway
This task seems to be most popular in the springtime, but if you have not completed it yet there is still time!
Repairing and sealing your driveway is something you can do your self with store bought supplies, but most people opt to have it completed for them by a professional.
Be sure to fill any cracks with a quality tar sealer to prevent further erosion during the winter months!
2.) Replace Your Furnace Filter
Did you know that your air conditioner and furnace both utilize the same filter? Yep.
Be sure to check and change your furnace filter if it looks dirty.
A dirty filter is one of the number one causes of needing a furnace repair.
If you have a standard one inch filter, these should generally be changed at least once every 30 days.
Six inch media filters can generally be changed twice per year.
3.) Clean Your Trash Cans
It’s safe to say your trash cans get nasty pretty quickly.
Cleaning them out several times a year will prevent any unpleasant smells around your home or in your garage (if that’s where you store them).
After sitting out in the rain, the dark damp environment is a perfect breeding ground for mildew, mold and other nasty things.
Use a strong soap, scrub brush and hose to keep them fresh all year long.
4.) Prepare Outdoor Furniture
If you have any furniture that you use outdoors in the summer, start to think about getting them ready for the fall and winter months.
Give them a good cleaning to remove any dirt that has built up over the summer and then cover them up properly for storage.